Add/Subtract Days to Any Date

This free date calculator allows you to add or subtract between two dates. It can be used for both business or personal use. Just fill out the start date and the number of days you like to add to or subtract from the start date. After the details are filled out, you can get the result in just one click. Few scenarios where the add/subtract days calculator are utilized include creating invoice, keeping track of subscription dates of anything, and many more.

Instructions for the add/subtract date calculator.
Format : mm/dd/yyyy
Select add or subtract method here.
Days you like to add/subtract from the start date.

June 2, 2025 (Monday)

90 days added to March 04, 2025

(March 04, 2025 + 90 days) = June 02, 2025

Instructions for the date calculator:

  1. Enter the start date.
  2. Select the add or subtract method (e.g. Add 30 days from the start date).
  3. Enter the "number of days" you want to add/subtract from the start date. (e.g. 15, 30, 90 days, or more).
  4. Press the "Calculate" button to get the results.
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When and How to Use the Add/Subtract Days Calculator?

The date duration calculator can be used in different ways. Here are few guides or scenarios as to how and when to use the date calculator.

Calculate number of days until expiration of something.

Be it a free trial or any kind of subscription, keep track on the date of its expiration using this add/subtract days calculator. You just have to enter the start date (which in this case refers to the start of the product subscription) and fill out the number of days which refers to how long the subscription lasts.

For instance, if you have a free trial for Office 365 services and you like to determine what date the free trial expires, just enter the start date of your subscription and add the number of days for free trial. After that, you’ll get the details of the date your subscription expires.

Determine the Date Range of your project.

If you are involved in a project (like freelancers or independent contractors), this add/subtract days calculator can be helpful in the process of creating your client’s invoice. Most invoice templates include the date range. If invoice is sent every two weeks, you can simply add 14 days (weekends included) on the start date of the invoice then you’ll get the end date of such invoice. That will complete the date range needed for the invoice.

Determine the due date for something.

This add/subtract days calculator is helpful in determining the specific date a certain account payable or accounts receivable is due. Example use of this can be for freelancers or independent contractors who like to include the due date of the invoice based on Net15 or Net30. If you like to set the specific date for that, just add whatever number of days it is (based on contract).