Current Local Time in Ras Al Khaimah City, United Arab Emirates

Current local time in Ras Al Khaimah City, United Arab Emirates
December 15

Get up-to-date current local time in Ras Al Khaimah City which includes the current day of week and date.

Facts about Ras Al Khaimah City

Find out more information about Ras Al Khaimah City such as population, time zone, population, currency and dialing code for United Arab Emirates.

Country Dialing Code
Top Level Domain
Time Zone
0 Meters or 0 Feet
Currency Code / Name
AED / Dirham
Geographic Coordinates
Latitude: 25.78953
Alternate Names of Ras Al Khaimah City

Julfa, Khaimah, RAK City, RKT, Ra's al Khaymah, Ra's al-Chaima, Ras Al Khaimah City, Ras al Khaimah, Ras al-Khaimah, Ras el Khaimah, Ras el Khaïmah, Ras el-Kheima, Ras-ehl'-Khajma, Ra’s al Khaymah

Interactive Map of Ras Al Khaimah City