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Personal Expense Tracker in Excel (Striped)

The excel personal expense tracker is printable and downloadable in multiple designs. It can also be customized according to your needs.

Personal Expense Tracker in Excel (Striped)
Excel Template
Free for personal or commercial use. © General Blue

If you want to track your personal spending, this excel spending tracker would work for you. It allows you to list down all expense items for the month, its amount, dates they were incurred, and what payment methods were used.

This expense tracker is simple enough that you can edit it in your phone, tablet, laptop, or other available devices.

It’s also available in multiple designs so you can choose to print or download whichever layout you prefer the most. To use the template, refer to the instructions provided below.


  1. Indicate which month you’re tracking. At the topmost part of the template, indicate the specific month you want to track.

  2. Enter date and expense item. Enter the specific date when an expense is incurred as well as the specific expense item.

  3. Specify amount for each expense. In every expense listed, enter its corresponding amount on the same row.

  4. Tick the box for the specific payment method used. Tick the box provided to identify the payment method used. Listed payment methods include cash, credit, debit, or other.

  5. Enter your total income. If you want to calculate your net income, enter your total income first on the designated section.

  6. Review your expense tracker. Upon entry of all details, you can check your tracker to get an overview of your personal expenses.

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