Current Local Time in Larsmo, Ostrobothnia, Finland

Current local time in Larsmo, Ostrobothnia, Finland
March 05
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About Larsmo

Discover Larsmo, which is located in Finland, home to 4,331 residents, with a Latitude, Longitude of 63° 45' 13.97" N, 63° 45' 13.97" N. Today is Wednesday, March 5, and the city observes the Eastern European Standard Time time zone. The next daylight saving time change is just 25 days away. It's 1 month and 13 days away from the next major holiday, Good Friday. To view additional holidays for this year, you can reference the holiday calendar for Finland.

Stay informed with the current local time in Larsmo, including the exact day of the week and date. Discover detailed information about the local time zone, population, sunrise and sunset, and other interesting facts about Larsmo, Finland. Find everything you need to know about Larsmo, including its population, time zone, currency, and dialing code for Finland.

Current Date and Time Information

This year is not a leap year, so our calendar we will have 365 days this year. We have 26 more days left in the month of March. We are currently on the 64th day of the year, with 301 days remaining and so far 17.53% of the year has passed.

Key Information About Larsmo

Daylight Savings
Currently not observing daylight savings
Daylight Saving Time Begins: March 30, 2025
On Sunday, March 30th 2025, at 03:00 AM, clocks will be turned forward by one hour to 04:00 AM. This marks the beginning of Daylight Saving Time (DST). Remember to adjust your clocks accordingly.
Current UTC Offset
UTC +02
Country ISO 2
Country ISO 3
Country Dialing Code
Top Level Domain
Time Zone Identifier
0 Meters or 0 Feet
Currency Code / Name
EUR / Euro
Coordinates in Decimal Degrees (DD)
Latitude: 63.75388
Longitude: 22.74728
Coordinates in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds (DMS)
Latitude: 63° 45' 13.97" N
Longitude: 22° 44' 50.21" E
Coordinates in Degrees and Decimal Minutes (DMM)
Latitude: 63° 45.233' N
Longitude: 22° 44.837' E
Alternate Names of Larsmo
Larsmo, Luoto

Interactive Map of Larsmo