World Cities by Population (124021 to 124040)

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City Region Country Time Zone Population
Yaurisque Cuzco Department Peru Peru Standard Time 492
Swierczow Opole Voivodeship Poland Central European Standard Time 492
Ibanesti-Padure Mures County Romania Eastern European Standard Time 492
Hyde Park Vermont United States Eastern Standard Time 492
Larva Andalusia Spain Central European Standard Time 491
Villasbuenas de Gata Extremadura Spain Central European Standard Time 491
Palaciosrubios Castille and Leon Spain Central European Standard Time 491
Navalmoral Castille and Leon Spain Central European Standard Time 491
Belmonte del Sannio Molise Italy Central European Standard Time 491
Ameno Piedmont Italy Central European Standard Time 491
Copa Ancash Peru Peru Standard Time 491
Mazanaesti Suceava Romania Eastern European Standard Time 491
Serrejon Extremadura Spain Central European Standard Time 490
Penausende Castille and Leon Spain Central European Standard Time 490
Plaus Trentino-Alto Adige Italy Central European Standard Time 490
Gaiola Piedmont Italy Central European Standard Time 490
Filacciano Lazio Italy Central European Standard Time 490
Villar San Costanzo Piedmont Italy Central European Standard Time 490
Plan de Chorcha


Panama Eastern Standard Time 490
Stangaceaua Mehedinti County Romania Eastern European Standard Time 490
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