Invoice Templates in Word Invoice Customer Invoice Templates in Word Customer Invoice Invoice Customer Invoice Word Templates

Simple Invoice with Tax in Word (Basic)

This free simple Word invoice automatically calculates tax for you based on the applicable tax rate. It’s available in Basic design.

Simple Invoice with Tax in Word (Basic)
Word Template
Free for personal or commercial use. © General Blue

This Basic invoice is a helpful tool when doing business transactions with customers or clients who have purchased goods or products from your company. It’s editable and downloadable in Word format.

Designed with easy-to-use features, you can easily customize this simple invoice. Feel free to add rows/columns for any additional information. You can customize the template according to your needs. You can also use it as a reference for creating your own invoice template. This simple blank invoice is the perfect version to use as it features light colors, so you can save ink/toner when printing it out. However, if you wish to redesign it, feel free to do so. The invoice with tax rate calculation is available in multiple formats and themes. All invoice templates are free to edit, print, share, or download.

To complete your invoice, you only need to fill out very basic information. Sections featured in this simple invoice template include the date, invoice #, where the invoice came from, bill-to address, description, quantity, unit price, total, subtotal, tax, total amount due, tax rate, and payment terms.

For those looking for an auto-calculated invoice, it is recommended to use the excel simple invoice format. It has built-in formulas allowing sections which need computations to auto-calculate.

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